The Important Role of Occupational Therapy and Hand Therapy at Hattiesburg Clinic Physical Rehabilitation – Tatum Park

At Hattiesburg Clinic Physical Rehabilitation – Tatum Park, occupational therapy services are tailored to individuals seeking assistance in enhancing their everyday activities. These tasks cover a wide spectrum of needs, from independent eating to enjoying leisure activities, performing daily activities and household chores like laundry or cleaning.

Occupational therapy and hand therapy play vital roles in rehabilitative medicine. Occupational therapy utilizes a comprehensive approach to address physical, cognitive and psychological factors, aiming to improve functional abilities and overall quality of life. Hand therapy specializes in evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the hands and upper extremities, employing techniques like custom splinting and therapeutic exercises to promote optimal recovery.

John Porter, OT, CHT, an experienced occupational therapist and Hattiesburg Clinic’s only certified hand therapist, reflects on his decision to pursue occupational therapy. “I realized that if I could bring about enough positive change in patients’ lives to bring them to tears of joy, then pursuing this career would be incredibly worthwhile,” he recalls. 

Porter specializes in treating various injuries and conditions, including post-operative hand or wrist conditions, as well as rehabilitation needs following shoulder surgeries such as rotator cuff or labrum repairs. On a typical week, he works with patients to evaluate what they need to get back to doing, such as a job, hobby or leisure activity.

“Following a severe hand injury, hand therapy was instrumental in allowing me to continue practicing surgery,” shares Daniel H. Smith, MD, a surgeon with Hattiesburg Clinic Surgery and a former patient of Porter’s. “Thanks to the personalized approach and support I received, I’ve been able to regain functionality and continue doing what I’m passionate about – helping others.”

Our occupational therapy services are personalized to align with each patient’s unique needs and goals, fostering their desire for self-sufficiency. Recognizing patients’ needs and ambitions allows us to assist them in various efforts, whether it involves reclaiming a hobby or mastering daily tasks. As emphasized by Porter, “I want to provide honest opinions and help people through what can be the most traumatic times of their lives.” Drawing from experience and research, he provides realistic recovery expectations while offering compassionate support.  

We acknowledge the dedication and expertise of occupational therapists like Porter, who exemplify the significant impact of occupational therapy and hand therapy in restoring autonomy and enhancing quality of life for individuals in need of rehabilitation.


About Hattiesburg Clinic Physical Rehabilitation – Tatum Park:

Physical and occupational therapists implement individual treatment programs to promote optimal health and function to patients of all ages. Our therapists are movement experts who develop treatment plans for each person’s individual goals, challenges and needs. Overall therapy goals are to maintain, restore, or improve mobility and help reduce pain.

About Hattiesburg Clinic:

Hattiesburg Clinic is Mississippi’s largest privately-owned, multispecialty clinic.  More than 60 years after its beginning, the clinic has grown to over 450 physicians and providers, caring for patients in more than 17 counties in South Mississippi. Along with over 2,500 professional staff employees, these physicians and providers come together for a common purpose, to serve the over 500,000 community members who live and work in South Mississippi every day.