Subtle Symptoms to Look Out For
Seizures can show differently depending on their type and the origin in the brain. While many believe grand mal seizures with violent shaking and loss of consciousness are the norm, many seizures have more subtle signs that may go unnoticed without medical evaluation from a board-certified neurologist.
- Absence Seizures: These seizures look like daydreaming, with brief lapses of awareness. You may space out and be unresponsive for seconds, then resume normal activity as if nothing has happened.
- Myoclonic Seizures: Myoclonic seizures are more physical, with brief muscle jerks. This is more than a muscle spasm as these happen in clusters.
- Focal Onset Seizures: Focal onset seizures were previously referred to as “partial seizures,” as you remain conscious during the seizure event. You can be either aware or in an altered state. Generally, these seizures cause emotional changes, involuntary movements or jerking of body parts such as lip smacking, spasms or hand rubbing.