October is National Physical Therapy Month, an annual opportunity to learn more about the unique benefits of physical therapy.

Physical therapists are licensed health providers specially trained to evaluate, diagnose and manage health conditions and movement problems in people of all ages and abilities. Physical therapists are movement experts. They help patients manage chronic pain and disease, improve strength, recover from injuries and reduce the risk of injury in the future. Additionally, physical therapy is a safe and effective alternative treatment to medication, such as opioids, for the management of chronic pain conditions.

At Hattiesburg Clinic, our expert team of physical therapists strive to provide patients every advantage in their pursuit of a healthier life.

“Physical therapists play a unique role in helping people overcome barriers to regular physical activity to benefit physical, mental and social health,” Clint Hudson, PT, DPT, SCS, with Hattiesburg Clinic Physical Rehabilitation – Tatum Park, said. “As with any other licensed health care provider, we each have the opportunity to specialize in our own particular skill set and area of practice, such as sports physical therapy, women’s health, neurology and geriatrics.”

Hattiesburg Clinic offers physical therapy services at several locations: Physical Rehabilitation – Tatum ParkPhysical Therapy – BellevuePhysical Therapy – Petal, Physical Therapy – Poplarville, Physical Therapy – Purvis and Physical Therapy – Sumrall.

The services at our various physical therapy locations include, but are not limited to:

  • Gait training
  • Joint mobilization
  • HydroWorks® Pool
  • Lymphedema
  • Sports injury rehabilitation
  • Manual therapy
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Functional and return-to-play rehabilitation
  • Post-operative rehabilitation
  • Intramuscular dry needling
  • Hand therapy

To learn more about Hattiesburg Clinic physical therapy services, visit www.hattiesburgclinic.com.


About Hattiesburg Clinic Physical Therapy:

Physical and occupational therapists implement individual treatment programs to promote optimal health and function to patients of all ages. Our therapists are movement experts who develop treatment plans for each person’s individual goals, challenges and needs. Overall therapy goals are to maintain, restore or improve mobility and help reduce pain.