Sleep Studies

Sleep studies conducted at Hattiesburg Clinic provide patients the most advanced technology in a comfortable environment.

Sleep Studies Overview

A sleep study, also known as polysomnography, is a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders. The study is conducted overnight in a sleep lab, where the patient is connected to various sensors and monitored by sleep technologists.

Hattiesburg Clinic is proud to offer a 10-bed in-lab sleep study facility that allows us to accommodate patients suffering from sleep-related disorders. As an accredited member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, our sleep studies are more accurate and help our sleep medicine doctors detect issues earlier.

Why do I need a sleep study?

Sleep studies may be recommended for patients who experience one or more of the following:

  • Sleepiness during the day
  • Dosing off while driving
  • Interrupted sleep
  • Snoring loudly, gasping, choking, tossing and turning
  • Several bathroom trips during the night
  • Feeling tired or sleepy after waking up
  • Waking up with a dry/sore throat or a headache
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Sexual dysfunction

What should I bring to my sleep study?

  • A list of all medications you are currently taking
  • Medications you will need during your study
  • Comfortable clothes to sleep in (i.e., pajamas, robe, slippers, etc.)
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
  • Health insurance card
  • State identification card, such as a driver’s license
  • Cell phone, iPod, iPhone, iPad and laptops with limited use once the study is in effect
  • Reading material, card games and puzzle books with limited use

An ID card is required to verify your identity and insurance coverage. The technician needs to know what medications you are using, as many medications affect your quality of sleep.

How long does a sleep study last?

A sleep study typically takes approximately 10 hours. You will check in at the lab at 8 p.m., and stay until between 5:30 and 6 a.m., on the morning after the test.

How is a sleep study conducted?

You will check in and get settled in your room, fill out any required paperwork and change into sleeping clothes.

Before the study begins, a sleep technologist will place sensors on your scalp, face, chest and legs. Keep in mind, hair braids and extensions may interfere with the placement of the electrodes. These will record your brainwaves to determine stages of sleep and other important data regarding your body’s activity during sleep. The sensors are not painful. Rarely, some people with sensitive skin develop minor skin irritation at the electrode sites.

The sleep technologist will monitor you from a separate room throughout the night. We video record sleep studies to ensure we get the most accurate information possible to properly diagnose your condition. The technologist and interpreting sleep specialist are the only ones permitted to view the recording.

Television is allowed before lights go out at 11 p.m. At that point, lights go out in order to allow you as much time to sleep as possible. The TV may cause disruptions in sleep, which may alter the accuracy of the study.

If you are unable to, or choose not to, drive yourself to the test, you must arrange for transportation from the facility between 5:30 and 6 a.m., on the morning after the test.

The physician or sleep specialist who ordered your sleep study will go over the results with you and answer any questions you may have during your follow-up appointment.

How can I sleep with all these wires?

This is a common concern, however, most people do not have any issues getting to sleep with the wires. The wires are bundled together and pulled out of the way so they do not hinder sleep. When in need of a visit to the bathroom during the night, just call the technician and they will disconnect the cable.

Home Sleep Studies

Hattiesburg Clinic also offers home sleep studies for the comfort and convenience of our patients. Your sleep medicine physician will help you determine if a home study is an option for your individual situation. Home sleep tests are often used as a starting point before taking part in an in-lab sleep study.

Choose Hattiesburg Clinic

Hattiesburg Clinic’s team of sleep experts provides convenient home sleep studies, as well as in-lab sleep studies at our accredited facility. Contact us to learn more or schedule a sleep consultation.

Sleep Medicine
Hattiesburg, MS
The Center for Sleep Medicine
101 Courtenay Cir.
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Get Directions
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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